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Date : 1991-05-23
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Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely ~ Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical Experience Peter Kivy on FREE shipping on qualifying offers What makes a musical work profound What is it about pure instrumental music that the listener finds attractive and rewarding In addressing these questions
Customer reviews Music Alone Philosophical ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical Experience at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely ~ His subject is the philosophy of music that is the study of fundamental questions about the nature of music and our experience of it However unlike philosophy of science say the philosophy of an artistic practice such as music is one Peter Kivy commences this thoughtful book with one of my favorite words why
Music Alone Philosophical Reflections On The Purely ~ Music Alone Philosophical Reflections On The Purely Musical Experience 1232 Words Nov 8 2016 5 Pages With a vast exposure to music in our everyday lives we must give thought as to what makes the sounds we hear so impressionable upon our very being in an order to understand music
Christine Tappolet Music Alone Philosophical Reflections ~ A critical review of Peter Kivys Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely Musical Experience Cornelle Cornell University Press 1990
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Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely ~ Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience Item Preview removecircle philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience by Kivy Peter Publication date 1990 Topics Music Internet Archive Books
Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely ~ Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience Peter Kivy Home WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help Search Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience a schemaBook schema
Music Alone Philosophical Reflections on the Purely ~ What makes a musical work profound What is it about pure instrumental music that the listener finds attractive and rewarding In addressing these questions Peter Kivy continues his highly regarded exploration of the philosophy of musical aesthetics He considers here what he believes to be the most difficult subject of alljust plain music music unaccompanied by text title subject
Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely ~ 1990 Music alone philosophical reflections on the purely musical experience Peter Kivy Cornell University Press Ithaca Wikipedia Citation Please see Wikipedias template documentation for further citation fields that may be required
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