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Date : 2004-05-13
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Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International ~ In Woman of the World Mary Kinnear interprets McGreachys international experiences through the lens of gender As a Canadian with a commitment to international cooperation her story is an important one
Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International ~ Mary McGeachy came to the University of Toronto as a young woman of nineteen She was a member of the postwar generation for whom the end of the Great War conferred a legacy of promise to do better¹ She believed that with the League of Nations as part of the peace settlement there was an opportunity for the world to live in peace
Project MUSE Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and ~ In a chapter entitled Geneva Kinnear describes McGeachys work as the Leagues liaison to the myriad strands of feminine organizations – including female representatives of the International Council of Women founded in 1888 the International Alliance for Womens Suffrage established in 1904 and the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom
Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International ~ Woman of the World book Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers Mary McGeachy 190191 navigated the gender conventions of the
Project MUSE Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and ~ Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International Cooperation Mary Kinnear Toronto University of Toronto Press 2004 Pp 327 illus 6000 Historian Mary Kinnears study of Canadian internationalist Mary Craig McGeachy 1901–91 is an extremely wellresearched and intelligent narrative of a life in international politics and public
Woman of the world Mary McGeachy and international ~ Woman of the world Mary McGeachy and international cooperation Mary Kinnear Mary McGeachy 190191 navigated her life and ambitions through the gender conventions of the twentieth century Born a gospel preachers daughter in smalltown Ontario she served in the League of
Mary Kinnear Woman of the World Mark McGeachy and ~ Mary Kinnear Woman of the World Mark McGeachy and International Cooperation Toronto University of Toronto Press 2004 FROM THE AGE of 27 Ontarioborn Mary McGeachy was based in Geneva as an officer of the Information Section of the League of Nations
Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International ~ In Woman of the World Mary Kinnear interprets McGreachys international experiences through the lens of gender As a Canadian with a commitment to international cooperation her story is an important one
Woman of the World Mary McGeachy and International ~ Mary McGeachy 190191 navigated the gender conventions of the twentieth century Born a gospel preachers daughter in smalltown Ontario she served in the League of Nations Secretariat in the 1930s and was employed by the British Ministry of Economic Warfare during World War II
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