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Date : 1995-12-01
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Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South ~ Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China 1st Edition by David Faure Editor Helen F Siu Editor Be the first to review this item
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South ~ The delta is a rich and socially complex area of south China and the contributors scholars from the Peoples Republic of China Hong Kong the United Kingdom and the United States have longstanding ties to the region
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China ~ Bringing local history to bear on major questions in Chinese social history and anthropology this volume comprises a series of historical and ethnographic studies of the Pearl River Delta from late imperial times through the 1940s The delta is a rich and socially complex area of south China and the contributors scholars from the Peoples Republic of China Hong Kong the United Kingdom
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China ~ The delta is a rich and socially complex area of south China and the contributors scholars from the Peoples Republic of China Hong Kong the United Kingdom and the United States have longstanding ties to the region
Project MUSE Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in ~ m David Faure and Helen F Siu editors Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China Stanford Stanford University Press 1995 xii 286 pp Hardcover 4500 isbn 0804724342 Paperback 1695 isbn 080472435 0 This book is a collection ofnine essays focusing on the Pearl River Delta region of South China
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China review ~ Read Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China review China Review International on DeepDyve the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China 1995 ~ The delta is a rich and socially complex area of south China and the contributors scholars from the Peoples Republic of China Hong Kong the United Kingdom and the United States have longstanding ties to the region
Down to earth the territorial bond in South China Book ~ Get this from a library Down to earth the territorial bond in South China David Faure Helen F Siu Bringing local history to bear on major questions in Chinese social history and anthropology this volume comprises a series of historical and ethnographic studies of the Pearl River Delta from late
Down to Earth The Territorial Bond in South China David ~ Bringing local history to bear on major questions in Chinese social history and anthropology this volume comprises a series of historical and ethnographic studies of the Pearl River Delta from late imperial times through the 1940s The delta is a rich and socially complex area of south China and the contributors scholars from the People39s Republic of China Hong Kong the United
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