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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Get Epic Wanderer: David Thompson and the Mapping of the Canadian West Now

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Date : 2004-03-01

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Rating : 4.0

Reviews : 18

Category : Book

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Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Epic Wanderer the first fulllength biography of mapmaker David Thompson 1770–1857 is set in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries against the broad canvas of dramatic rivalries between the United States and British North America between the Hudson’s Bay Company and its Montrealbased rival the North West Company and among the various First Nations thrown into disarray by the advent of guns horses and alcohol

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ This book on David Thompson a fur trader with the Hudson Bay Co and the Northwest Company who during his time with them learned to survey and map His map of western Canada was quite remarkable for its time and was the most accurate for many years after

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ The first full length biography of the fur trader explorer mapmaker David Thompson one of the most remarkable characters in the early history of North America David Thompson was born in London in 1770 and died near Montreal in 1857 He arrived in Canada in 1784 and spent 28 year roaming lands known as the Great Northwest

Customer reviews Epic Wanderer David ~ DArcy Jenishs Epic Wanderer is a life of David Thompson a British fur trader who spent nearly three decades exploring and mapping the Canadian West from Hudsons Bay to the Pacific Coast Thompson was apprenticed to the Hudsons Bay Company out of a boys school in London in 1784 at the tender age of 14

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the Canadian West by DArcy Jenish 2009 Paperback at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Traveling across the prairies over the Rockies and on to the Pacific Thompson transformed the raw data of his explorations into a map of the Canadian West Measuring ten feet by seven feet and laid out with astonishing accuracy the map became essential to the politicians and diplomats who would decide the future of the rich and promising lands of the West

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Epic Wanderer the first fulllength biography of mapmaker David Thompson 1770–1857 is set in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries against the broad canvas of dramatic rivalries between the United States and British North America between the Hudson’s Bay Company and its Montrealbased rival the North West Company and among the various First Nations thrown into disarray by the advent of guns horses and alcohol

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Traveling across the prairies over the Rockies and on to the Pacific Thompson transformed the raw data of his explorations into a map of the Canadian West Measuring ten feet by seven feet and exhibiting astonishing accuracy the map became essential to the politicians and diplomats who would decide the future of the rich and promising lands of the West

Epic Wanderer David Thompson and the Mapping of the ~ Epic Wanderer the first fulllength biography of David Thompson is set in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries against a broad canvas of dramatic rivalries between the United States and British North America between the Hudsons Bay Company and its Montrealbased rival the North West Co and between the various First Nations thrown into disarray by the advent of guns horses and alcohol

Epic wanderer David Thompson and the mapping of the ~ Epic Wanderer the first fulllength biography of David Thompson is set in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries against a broad canvas of dramatic rivalries between the United States and British North America between the Hudsons Bay Company and its Montrealbased rival the North West Co and between the various First Nations thrown into disarray by the advent of guns horses and alcohol

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