▶▶ Download On to Atlanta: The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson, Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers Books

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Date : 2001-09-01
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On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson ~ On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers John Hill Ferguson Janet Correll Ellison Mark A Weitz on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Historians have shown us the drama and sweep of the swathe Shermans March cut through the South Officers have bequeathed us accounts of what happened in strategic and practical terms
On to Atlanta the Civil War diaries of John Hill ~ Get this from a library On to Atlanta the Civil War diaries of John Hill Ferguson Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers John Hill Ferguson Janet Correll Ellison Mark A Weitz Historians have shown us the drama and sweep of the swathe Shermans March cut through the South Officers have bequeathed us accounts of what happened in strategic and practical terms
On to Atlanta the Civil War diaries of John Hill ~ A Scottish immigrant and a US citizen since 1856 John Hill Ferguson enlisted in the Illinois Veteran Volunteers in 1860 The annotated entries from his diary in 1864 and 1865 presented here describe life in the Tenth Illinois as the troops made their way through Georgia under Sherman
Project MUSE On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of ~ On to Atlanta the diary of John Hill Ferguson is filled with insights and observations that make life in Shermans army come alive Ferguson a Scottishborn immigrant enlisted with the Illinois Veteran Volunteers at the beginning of the war In this volume the entries for 1864 and 1865 demonstrate Fergusons knack for including details that help readers to understand the soldiers lives
On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson ~ On to Atlanta book Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers Historians have shown us the drama and sweep of the swathe Shermans March
On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson ~ But for a gritty daybyday ontheground view of what the march to Atlanta meant to the common soldier nothing can compare to the diary of an enlisted man like John Hill Ferguson nbsp A Scottish immigrant and a citizen since 1856 Ferguson enlisted in the Illinois Veteran Volunteers in 1860 and shortly afterward began to keep a diary
On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers by John Hill Ferguson 2008 Paperback at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products
On to Atlanta the Civil War diaries of John Hill ~ On to Atlanta the Civil War diaries of John Hill Ferguson Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers
On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson ~ On to Atlanta The Civil War Diaries of John Hill Ferguson Illinois Tenth Regiment of Volunteers Notes for Diary V John Hill Ferguson Janet Correll Ellison Mark A Weitz
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