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Date : 2000-04-10
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The Life of Marie dAgoult alias Daniel Stern ~ Marie de Flavigny 18051876 countess dAgoult in later life was called by her friends an Amazon of thought One of nineteenthcentury Frances free and independent women long before feminism came into its own she was Franz Liszts lover a friend of George Sand and a writer under the name Daniel Stern
The Life of Marie dAgoult Alias Daniel Stern by Phyllis ~ Marie de Flavigny 18051876 countess dAgoult in later life was called by her friends an Amazon of thought One of nineteenthcentury Frances free and independent women long before feminism came into its own she was Franz Liszts lover a friend of George Sand and a writer under the name Daniel Stern
The life of Marie dAgoult alias Daniel Stern Book 2000 ~ Marie de Flavigny 18051876 Countess dAgoult was one of 19thcentury Frances independent women She was Franz Liszts lover a friend of George Sand and a writer under the name Daniel Stern This biography aims to take her out of the shadows of Liszt and Sand to reveal her own achievements
The Life of Marie DAgoult Alias Daniel Stern Phyllis ~ Marie de Flavigny 18051876 Countess dAgoult was one of Frances free and independent women long before feminism came into its own She was Franz Liszts lover a friend of George Sand and a writer under the name Daniel Stern
Customer reviews The Life of Marie dAgoult ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Life of Marie dAgoult alias Daniel Stern at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
The life of Marie dAgoult alias Daniel Stern Phyllis ~ The life of Marie dAgoult alias Daniel Stern Item Preview removecircle Share or Embed This Item EMBED EMBED for hosted blogs and item tags Want more Advanced embedding details examples and help favorite share
The Life of Marie dAgoult ~ Writing as Daniel Stern she is best remembered for her Histoire de la Révolution de 1848 185153 Unfortunately StockMorton an emerita professor of history at Seton Hall University is
Books in Brief Nonfiction The New York Times ~ But for her passion for Franz Liszt Marie dAgoult 18051876 might never have emerged from obscurity In 1832 the unhappily married Countess dAgoult met Liszt three years later she left her aristocratic life to become his livein muse In her biography Phyllis StockMorton gives this grand passion its due
Marie dAgoult Wikipedia ~ Marie Catherine Sophie Comtesse dAgoult 31 December 1805 – 5 March 1876 was a FrancoGerman romantic author and historian known also by her pen name Daniel Stern 1 Life 2 Works 7 External links
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